Dr. Michelle Clarke Hours
Monday: 9:30 AM – 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 2:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Thursday: 9:30 AM – 7:00 PM
Friday: 9:30 AM – 1:30 PM
Dr. Michelle Clarke studied for 3 years at The University of Melbourne, completing her Bachelor of Science degree (Physiology and Biochemistry), and 5 years at RMIT University, completing her Bachelor of Applied Science (Clinical Science)/Bachelor of Chiropractic Science double degree with Distinction in 2005.
After finishing high school, Michelle moved to Melbourne to study, during which time she developed severe shoulder pain. After a friend suggested she see a chiropractor, Michelle saw such drastic results with chiropractic care that upon completing her science degree she changed her course of study to Chiropractic.
Michelle has worked as a chiropractor in Melbourne’s Eastern suburbs for over 18 years.
She has a particular interest in children’s health and has completed further training in Paediatric Chiropractic.
While she loves to help patients with lower back pain, middle back pain, shoulder pain and headaches, she has a particular passion for TMJ (jaw) related complaints.
Over the years Michelle has completed many seminars and courses in relation to TMJ and the management of craniofacial pain complaints. Her TMJ journey led her to complete training in orofacial myofunctional therapy (OMT), giving her a unique set of skills to help patients, both adults and children, with jaw pain, headaches, bruxism (tooth grinding), facial pain, mouth breathing, and altered tongue function (effecting speech and swallow), as well as co-management of underdeveloped jaws in children with dentists and orthodontists. Michelle is passionate about helping to identifying paediatric intra-oral dysfunction and jaw underdevelopment at an early age to help avoid potential life-long issues with the jaw, airway and occlusion. Michelle co-manages care with myofunctional dentists and orthodontists, and airway focused ENT specialists to help patients where required. Michelle also has experience in helping adults with chronic jaw pain and dysfunction and orofacial pain.
Michelle’s advanced training includes:
– Advanced TMJ (jaw) care
– Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy (What is orofacial myology?)
– Myofascial TMJ release
– Chiropractic paediatric training
– Cranial release
– MyoMunchee certified practitioner
Michelle has dedicated appointments for TMJ (jaw) complaints, orofacial myofunctional disorders (such as mouth breathing) and initial screening assessments of children for orofacial myofunctional disorders related to crowding/narrow palates. Michelle accepts referrals from other practitioners for dedicated TMJ consults.
After working in the Eastern Melbourne suburbs, seeing a lot of patients who were farmers, nurses and tradies, I have a strong appreciation for providing care for people to get their health back on track promptly.
After having my daughter I obtained a first-hand understanding of the pressure our bodies and spines go through during pregnancy and birth and how different chiropractic care needs to be during this time.