COVID-19 Stage 4 Restrictions
As you know, as of Monday 3rd August 2020, Melbourne has entered a Stage 4 lockdown. Living Chiropractic offers ESSENTIAL HEALTH services and we are open as normal for in-person appointments, operating with our strict proactive and clear response COVID safe plan in place.
Due to health concerns around the current COVID-19 virus pandemic the clinic is following the guidelines set out by the government and going above and beyond to ensure we continue to provide the best possible care for our clients throughout this period.
FAQ’s we’ve already been asked
Is Living Chiropractic OPEN?
Yes, our services are classified as ESSENTIAL HEALTH CARE and continue to remain open. While we promote a message of preventative care, in the current climate and following DHHS recommendations, we aim to limit the traffic in our community to keep us all safe.
 We will be asking you if your care is essential.
You may be wondering what does essential care mean?
We feel everyone will fall into the following three categories:
- Acute Dysfunction – your symptoms are stopping you from performing your activities of daily living or limiting you from caring for others. Come on in! We are here for you.
- You are experiencing symptoms, however unsure if you will need an appointment. Call us, we can talk you through the process, We may book a tentative appointment and see how you feel in the next day or two.
- You would like a check-up, but generally feel quite good? We will see you at the end of Stage 4 restrictions – hopefully only 5 weeks, 2 days away. We will miss you.
 Can I travel for my appointment more than 5kms from home?
Yes. The DHHS has advised “You can leave home to receive health care or attend medical appointments. If you need to see a doctor or health care professional, you should do so. Do not put off getting medical careâ€.
You are allowed to travel more than 5kms from your home for healthcare reasons, such as for an appointment.
Will Remedial Massage and Myotherapy be open?
At this stage Remedial Massage and Myotherapy is closed. This may change in the following weeks and you are welcome to go onto a waiting list to be one of the 1st to know.
What if I am stopped for questioning by authorities on my way?
You will be required to show the SMS confirmation or emailed receipt of payment as proof of appointment if you are stopped by authorities to enquire why you have left your house.
8pm curfew does not apply for healthcare – however, our last appointment for the day is normally 7pm so this should not be an issue. If however you are heading home after 8pm – you must go straight home.
When should I reschedule/cancel my appointment?
If you have any respiratory symptoms, have been a close contact with someone diagnosed with COVID or are waiting on a diagnosis yourself, please let us know and do not attend any appointments. If you generally feel good then please reschedule your appointment.
3 days before your appointment you will receive a text:
“You can still attend your Chiropractic appointment. However to assist with the Victorian Governments recommendations to reduce communal transmission, if you feel you appointment is not essential, please call reception on 9580 2282 to reschedule your appointment for a later date. Yours in Health, Living Chiropractic.â€
What else are we doing to help?
All practitioners are wearing relevant PPE equipment this includes masks and googles/shields. We are cleaning tables and treatment areas between patients. Using hand sanitiser, maintaining social distancing when possible and have installed perspex guards at reception for you and our receptions staff’s safety.
Stay well!